Agencia de l’Habitatge de Catalunya

The Law 13/2009, July 22, of the Housing Agency of Catalonia determines the purpose and functions of the Agency. The Agency’s objective is to execute and manage housing policies that are competence of the Generalitat, especially public actions related to the growth of population, satisfying their housing needs around the territory. In the exercise of the functions recognized by this law, the Agency provides a series of services within the framework of the Law 18/2007, December 19, and current housing Decree 75/2014.
Most of the services are addressed to the citizens of Catalonia, among them certain civil associations, professional groups, and other Administrations. Some of the services are directly targeted by the Generalitat of Catalonia, which relies on the Agency to manage them.


Anna Mestre
Responsible for External Action

Montse Enriquez
Communication and promotion technician

Josep Linares
Director of Rehabilitation and Improvement of Housing

Agencia de l’Habitatge de Catalunya